There has had to be a change of the date for LIVE LOUNGE. Keep checking back for a new date which will be posted by Friday. We apologise...

Battle of the Bands 2017
Live Lounge 2017 is just around the corner which means we are looking for Battle of the Band groups. There is a list on the door of the...

Ukulele Club
After a fantastic first rehearsal, I have attached the video link for I'm Yours. Get practising!!!!

Brand New You
When Your Mind's Made Up sounded absolutely beautiful yesterday - well done everyone - we're so proud of you :) Next week we're going to...

Another fantastic gifted and talented rehearsal!
Well done on a fantastic first rehearsal of Once today! Keep listening and singing/playing along to the track at home... Next week's...

Gifted and Talented Group
Today's rehearsal we will be focusing on When Your Mind's Made Up (Once) - have a listen/look through the chords... See you later!

When I'm Cleaning Windows!
Starting after half term. Ukulele club!!!!! Anyone welcome, all you need is enthusiasm and a sense of humour :-)

R.I.P Mr Michael
Over Christmas we had the sad news that George Michael had passed away. This is a great loss to the music world and I'm sure we will be...

Welcome back and Happy New Year, Just a few messages about the coming term. Ingestre Hall is fast approaching so make sure you have your...