Our virtual 6th form event will be happening soon so if you are interested in music as an option, check out our BTEC Extended Certificate...

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Follow us on Instagram (polesworth_performing_arts) or tag your posts using #polesworthperforms

Instrumental Lessons
Our fantastic instrumental staff have now started their lessons. If you are interested in having lessons, ask Mrs Glover for a letter or...

Arts Award Club
We are unable to offer any extra curricular groups at the moment due to the Covid situation. On Wednesday after school, I will be...

It's time!!!! Click on the image below for more information

Hot House Music
We have a new and exciting partnership with Hot House Music who are using Polesworth as its base for it's Hot Shot Band. They are also...

Options Evening 2020
We look forward to seeing you at our School option evening tomorrow. Pop along to the music department in Inigo and have a chat to Mrs...

Addams Family Success
Congratulations to all our performers, dancers, technical and back stage crew. What a fantastic Addams Family production :-) Next years...