Night at the Musicals
It's now official! A date for the diary - Wednesday May 13th at Polesworth Abbey
In the Classroom
Its a very spooky time in the music department at the minute. Year 7 are busy creating a soundscape based on an 18th century poem called...

Addams Family Rehearsals
Rehearsals are now under way so make sure you check the weekly schedule outside the music/drama office in Inigo. If you are unable to...
Results Day 2019
Results day is looming and with that are some important decisions about options and future career paths. If you are interested in...
Induction Day Welcome
Today we welcome Y6 to Polesworth for their induction day. In their induction booklet will be a letter about having instrumental lessons...

Talent Show 2019
This years Talent Show is on Friday 12th July starting at 7pm in the main hall. Tickets are available on Parent Pay but you can also buy...

Instrumental Lessons
Instrumental lessons will start the 2nd week back after the Summer holidays, If you are interested in starting lessons please send me an...

Thank you to everyone who performed or helped with our performing arts evening. Absolutely blown away with the talent we have at Polesworth
Wow!!! What a night. A HUGE amount of money was raised which will be used to buy another electric kit and keyboards for the classrooms....